ColrC  0.4.0
An easy to use C library for linux terminal colors/escape-codes.
#include "colr.h"
int main(void) {
colr_printf registers a new format specifier, COLR_FMT_CHAR, to be used
with printf. colr_printf acts like printf when called, except Colr
object pointers can be passed directly, and their resources will be
free()'d automatically.
Notice that the Colr* macros/functions are used inside of the call,
instead of the colr* (lowercase) macros/functions. This is because
the Colr* versions all return an allocated ColorResult that will be
automatically free()'d. Using the lowercase versions directly will cause
a memory leak.
"This is a Colr: %R\n",
Colr("This", fore(RED))
Left/right justify work as expected, and a space can be used for
center-justified text.
%-NR : Left-justify to a width of N.
%NR : Right-justify to a width of N.
% NR : Center-justify to a width of N.
"%-10R | % 10R | %10R\n",
Colr("Left", fore(RED)),
Colr("Center", style(UNDERLINE)),
Colr("Right", fore(BLUE))
The alternate-form for a Colr object is a string with no escape codes.
%#R : Print the Colr object, but do not add escape codes.
" With colors: %R\nWithout colors: %#R\n",
Colr("hello", fore(RED)),
Colr("hello", fore(RED))
A custom modifier was added (`/`), to allow for escaped output.
%/R : Print the Colr object, with the output string escaped.
" Normal: %R\n Escaped: %/R\n",
Colr("okay", fore(RED)),
Colr("okay", fore(RED))
Other printf-like functions are available, like `sprintf`, `snprintf`,
and `asprintf`.
// Better have room for the codes:
size_t possible_len = 10 + CODE_ANY_LEN;
char mystring[possible_len];
colr_sprintf(mystring, "%R", Colr("Again.", fore(RED), style(BRIGHT)));
// Ensure only a certain number of bytes are written:
colr_snprintf(mystring, possible_len, "%R", Colr("Safe?", fore(BLUE)));
// Allocate the string, and then fill it:
char* myalloced = NULL;
if (colr_asprintf(&myalloced, "This: %R", Colr("Hah!", fore("dimgrey"))) < 1) {
// Failed to allocate.