ColrC  0.4.0
An easy to use C library for linux terminal colors/escape-codes.

Downloadable Files

Here are a couple downloadable packages from ColrC.

Version-specific files are available for download at the ColrC repo.


This documentation is available in a PDF:

Source Files

The ColrC header and source file can be downloaded if you don't want to clone the github repo:

Debian Packages

There is a basic debian package for the standalone colrc executable, and a shared library (libcolor). You can build these yourself by cloning the repo and running make distdeb:

  • colr - Installs the colrc tool.
  • libcolr - Installs, colr.h, and man pages.

Installing Debian Packages

Download or build the package, and then install it with dpkg:

# colr
sudo dpkg -i colr_latest_amd64.deb
# libcolr
sudo dpkg -i libcolr-dev_latest_amd64.deb

Uninstalling Debian Packages

You can uninstall the packages using dpkg -r, apt-get, or apt. This will remove all of the installed files:

# colr
sudo apt remove colr
# libcolr
sudo apt remove libcolr-dev

Debian Source Packages

There are basic debian source packages for colr and libcolr-dev. They are not the same as the source package at the top of this page. They include only the minimum build dependencies to compile ColrC (colrc or libcolr) and generate a debian package. You can build these yourself by cloning the repo and running make distdebfull:

  • colr - Source package for the colrc tool.
  • libcolr - Source package for, colr.h, and man pages.

Building Debian Source Packages

Once you've downloaded the source package for either colr or libcolr-dev, you can use debmake to generate a debian package for them:

# colr
debmake -a colr_latest.tar.gz
# ...follow instructions:
cd colr-latest
# libcolr: The binary spec (-b) is required.
debmake -b 'libcolr:lib' -a libcolr-dev_latest.tar.gz
# ...follow instructions:
cd libcolr-dev-latest