ColrC  0.4.0
An easy to use C library for linux terminal colors/escape-codes.
Tool Building


To use the ColrC tool you will have to build it first. A makefile is provided, so the actual building only takes one command. Make sure you have all of the system dependencies first.

Clone the repo, if you haven't already:

git clone

Make sure you're in the ColrC project directory:

cd colrc

Finally, run the make target:

make release

The build process doesn't take very long, and when it's done there will be a colrc executable in the project directory.

Install Debian Package

You can download or build a debian package to install the colr tool:

make distdeb
sudo dpkg -i dist/colr_latest*.deb

Uninstall Debian Package

You can uninstall the colr package just like any other debian package:

sudo apt remove colr

Install Manual

Installing is just copying or symlinking the executable somewhere in $PATH. There is a make target that will let you choose an install path, and do the rest for you:

make install
# Install as a symlink instead of a copy:
make installlink

By default, it will ask for confirmation before installing or overwriting anything.

Uninstall Manual

If colrc was installed somewhere in $PATH, you can simply run the install script with --uninstall, or just:

make uninstall